Members get use of slipway free, non members can still use our launch facilites by buying a launch ticket.
The owners of the slipway are the Felixstowe Ferry Foreshore Trust. They own a large section of land around the Ferry, situated between the high and low water marks including the slipway and access road. For an annual fee they in turn have granted a “license” to the East Suffolk Water Ski Club (ESWSC) for the launching of its members crafts and the controlling of public access.
We are constantly confronted by people who consider it a right of access into the water. There are very few slipways in the UK that are free to use and when they are somebody has to maintain them. On average six to nine cubic metres of concrete are used every year to repair the slipway at Felixstowe Ferry due to tidal erosion and vehicular damage. Who pays for it? Who does the work? We do!
We could if we wanted not allow the general public to launch “powered” craft but our finances do not allow us this privilege and after all why should we be selfish, the sea is there for us all to use. The ESWSC has taken on the commitment to protect and preserve this facility for the benefit of everyone who wants to use it.
Daily launch permits are:
- £15 if your engine is over 15 horse power
- £10 if it is 15 horse power or under .
Annual launch permits are:
- £75 if your engine is over 15 horse power
- £50 if it is 15 horse power or under .
All are available on -line here. Payment using PayPal and emailed directly to you.